Long time missing....again!

Honestly, doesn't time fly....etc..etc...
Well I wouldn't mind if I had been enjoying myself, as the saying goes. Actually we have had a rough few weeks.
The day after my last post was my Father in Laws Birthday. His 86th Birthday actually. Early that morning we had a panicky phone call from my Mother in Law. My Husband and I rushed around to their home, only to find that he had died during the night. It was all very sad and from that point on our feet haven't really touched the ground. Once the police and coroner had been dealt with that day, the enormity of the situation began to sink in. We worked our way through all the various procedures and red tape, informing everyone as needed, arranging the funeral and of course looking after my Mother in Law. She and her husband of almost 60 years had always been inseparable, two halves of a whole person so to speak.We wondered how (if) she would manage.
Well we had our problems and a lot more time and support was needed than before, but once we got her eating again she started to rally round, she was actually coping better than we had thought.
The only problem was her health was deteriorating, her long standing heart problem was getting worse. To cut the story short, 10 weeks to the day from my Father in Law's death my Mother in Law has joined him. Again our life has gone on hold to sort everything out all over, only this time it is more as we now have to dealt with the house and all the contents too. Here we go again!
In addition to all this mayhem I have had my facial Mohs surgery for skin cancer done. Quiet an unpleasant experience, but I am pretty happy with the result and the scar is healing well so far.
Well that is me all caught up, apart from the few cards I have managed to make....barely keeping up with family birthdays really...

This one for a cousins Birthday........

This one for the latest addition to the family, a forth great grandchild for my Mother in Law, born on the day she died...made using a stampin up image.

This one is also a stampin up image, for my best friend....

I did make a few more, but in the rush I had forgotten to photograph them.....brain is all of a mush lately! 


  1. Oh dear Diane what a rough trot you have had. So sorry about your loved ones. Glad the surgery went well.
    Fab cards as always so nice to see you back.
    Hugs to you all xx Jan

  2. So sorry to hear you lost both of them, it often happens that way that one doesn't last long after the other. We have a lot going on with Mother in Law, sorting out care and stuff, when she was in a home for a few weeks we could relax and sleep easy at night but she is home now. Hope you continue to stay well from your surgery, my dad had it a year ago, and now has to go back for a biopsy. My husband had it on the back of his arm, a year later he had a tumour removed from his under arm and all his lymph nodes, so we too are hoping it is gone now. I love that cat card!

  3. Oh Diane, what a time you've had. How very sad to lose both parents/in-laws so close together. IT sounds a bit trite, but they are together now and one isn't grieving for the other. A couple or so years ago a wonderful couple that I knew died within days of one another, so close that it was actually a joint funeral and memorial service.

    Hope you heal well from the surgery honey, I'm anxiously waiting for biopsy results here, sigh :(

    Love and hugs

    Di xx


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