To those visiting as a result of the Feline Playful- give a comment receive a comment, become a follower, receive a follower....welcome to my blog, I hope you like what you see. I am behind in my visiting because of illness, so I am adapting the rules slightly and am working my way through the list in my own way. I do hope no one minds this, I will visit everyone on the list...I promise. I have already found some new blog friends and some very interesting blogs.
I have just finished my card to my Cousin who is 60 years old on the 14th January. I am having trouble getting my head around this as it has really made me realise that I am getting old! Ron was always like a brother to me as we were very close to his parents, they were surrogate Grandparents to me really. It just doesn't feel right that his is about to hit the big 60! I don't think he is a blogger, so I am safe to post a picture now. Hope he likes it! Couldn't resist getting a little dig in on the inside.....wording reads " are Vintage!"