Morning WOYWW er's

Good Morning to you all

I have my latest project to show you this morning. The 21st Card that I shared last week went down a storm and resulted in an order from another club lady for a 50th card for her neice. She sounds like a bit of a character really, the background I was given was that she is to be 50 years old, plays electric guitar in a band and is nicknamed Scrumpy! The request was that I use the same card shape as the here it is..

Outside                                                                 and Inside...
I have decided to be brave and enter this one for a challenge, after a chat with Chrissie yesterday (thanks for your time and advice Chrissie!), I am going to enter this card in the challenge at Crafty Ann's Blog. Pop over and have a look.
Now some of you will know by now that I can't work in a total mess, so once I had finished I tidied up ready for another session this morning...but  guess what?????   Don't tell any one, but I think my house has a crafting fairy, or a ghost??? Look at my desk this morning-

The guilty party is my Daughter, who now she is finished exams and college and that annoying stuff is resurrecting her scrapbook that she started ages ago. This is the result of her rummaging through my papers etc for matching colours for her where did I see that padlock???

Pop over the Stamping Ground to check out the other WOYWW desks today.


  1. I'm really envious of your craft space, those drawers looks ace!
    One day ... maybe!

  2. Hi Diane
    gorgeous card, now think you best go buy a new padlock quickly! lol, have good day, sue,x

  3. There's no need to be gentle Diane, this card is absolutely gorgeous! It fits the brief you were given to perfection - it also fits our challenge at CACB to perfection too. Well done to Chrissie for persuading you to enter, I'm honoured that Crafty Ann's was your first challenge and I hope we'll see your stunning work as often as possible in the future.
    Ann x

  4. Hi Diane

    fabulous card! lol great brief. Kids dont you just love them!!!


  5. Great card for a great sounding lady!

  6. Lovely card. Glad you are entering it in a contest. I's so in awe of your storage units, and of course you know (from last week) I am in awe of your ink pens (if you can call them that) and their storage. I like that those drawers are on casters and will roll wherever you need them. Really clever storage. Now if only you could get those art gremlins (ie daughter) to clean up after themselves . . .

  7. Love your card it sound perfect for it's recipient.

  8. You do have some lovely draws there, I'd want to openthem all, as I'd never remember what ws in them! Not biscuits but Nuttella on toast!! (Midnight snack last night!!)

  9. Such a beautiful card, I'm sure it will be treasured! What a fab challenge debut!!
    Thanks for joining us at Crafty Ann's, i hope you'll play along next time too
    Claire xx

  10. oh yes quick lock it all away lol I couldn't share, i think if someone came in and cut up my best paper i would cry hahaha

    well done on getting the card order.

  11. Beautiful card gorgeous colours and design thank you so much for sharing this with us at Crafty Ann's
    Lorraine x

  12. Lovely to think that your crafting talents have been passed down :-)
    A x

  13. Thanks for visiting. Clever card - like you I like to make my cards very personal (not easy to see on the baby card - don't know a lot about him yet). How nice you and your daughter share the crafting interest - so do I and my DD.

  14. Gorgeous card. Scrumpy might be getting a little older, but, still young inside!
    Your Desk! never noticed the mess, your pens are something else Wow!

  15. i believe my son has stolen my tim holtz scissors - kids you just can't trust 'em

  16. Great card, she will love it and great for a challenge piece too. I would have to get a padlock LOL. Have a good evening, Tracy Evans x

  17. Lovely card..thanks for the snoop x

  18. What an interesting lady to make a card for, you've done a great job!

    Lol about your daughter riffling through your drawers, I'm worried about the day my daughter get a crafting addiction!! x

  19. What a beautiful card - thanks for the snoop!

  20. What a brillint 50th card ...sounds as though it will suit the lady to a tee.

  21. can't blame your daughter. all the lovely paper and markers are toooo tempting! great card!

  22. Fab card. I have a daughter exactly like yours!


  23. Lovely card! My daughter has the talent but for now no interest - I hope one day she will, ha, ha but we will have our own stash - ha, ha NO SHARING!

  24. I keep threatening to get a lock for my craft cupboard but hubby says I have to share with our little girl....I can't wait until she starts showing an interest in his tools then see if he says we have to share lol :0)
    *hugs* Heather x

  25. Get that padlock on quick! Lovely 50th card.

    ** kate **

  26. Lovely card, I saw your comment over at Chrissie's, glad you've taken the plunge! Kids huh? On the one hand it's great that you both share a hobby and can spend time together, but on the other.......!!


  27. Ah Diane. My DD is the same. It's not the rummaging or the using of my stash that I don't like. It's the assumption that it's OK to leave out all over the place for me to put away. My DH says she learned it from me, but I cannot believe it. Argh.
    Fab card - as I'm now nearer 50 to 40 I should like to say that it suddenly doesn't seem unusual that the recipient plays in a band and enjoys her life. Defensive, huh!!

  28. Ah the card it brilliant. (Re Post above its her not you. I really like it!)
    Mmm My youngest does that to my stuff, rummages all the time. GRrrrr! Thanks for the nosey, Hazelxox

  29. A brilliant shape for an easel card - really looks like the 'book' is on a stand. Fabulous card.
    Thank you for sharing it with us at Crafty Ann's.
    Beryl xx

  30. Fab card, Diane.
    The book shape is brilliant.
    I love to do 'personal' cards myself and am sure Scrumpy will treasure this one

    Thank you for joining us at Crafty Ann's...I hope we'll see you again :-)



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