
Just to let anyone who may have missed me at WOYWW this week know, I haven't deserted you all, just not well enough to join in. Following my recent tummy bug that knocked me for six, I now have pleurisy. I have no idea how or why, but there you are, so once again I am on strict rest.
Hope to be back with you all again soon.


  1. Hi Diane,
    These viruses have a lot to answer for, since I was hit by one I haven't been 100% either. I feel as though I could do with what they used to call a 'Tonic' in the old days!
    I hope you're feeling better really soon.
    It may cheer you slightly to know that your name came out of the hat for my birthday giveaway.
    When you're feeling better, contact me and I'll see about getting it to you!

  2. Bless your heart Diane.....I hope you are feeling better soon!!!! I wanted to THANK YOU for your very sweet comment!!!! I hope you are having a blessed day!!!

  3. Thank you SO much ma'am for the awesome comment on the new files!!! I can't wait to see your latest piece of ART on yours!!!! I hope you have a very blessed day!!

  4. Hope you are feeling so much better now
    best wishes ((Lyn))


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