I would just like to thank.....oh no hang on a minute...not that kind of award! Please pop over to Chrissie's blog and check out the wonderful cards she makes. She has a very simple and understated style which always results in a very stylish and sophisticated finished card. I always look forward to seeing her next post.
The terms of the award are that I should tell three things I like about myself and pass the award on to seven others. Both of these conditions are quite hard for me. I tend to be very critical of myself so...here goes..
1) I like (love) the fact that I have been able to develop a very close relationship with both my children, now teenagers. We don't argue and I am so proud of them both and they know I am there for them both..no matter what.
2) I like that I am able to bring a smile to a loved ones face with a hand made card or gift.
3) I like that I am finally starting to feel better!!
Well that was a struggle:-
Now for the seven blogs I want to give this award to-
1. Spyder - Thanks Lynn for the help you gave me when I first began blogging.
2. Penny- Always follow Penny's blog for her wonderful ideas and free files.
3. Jennybean - For choosing me as one of her design team, and her fantastic files.
4. Ikki- Very informative blog, especially for cuttlebug ideas.
5. Julia - For her WOYWW blog and for welcoming me into the fold.
6. Summer - For her fantasic free digikits.
7.Valita - For brilliant ideas on her blog
Well there you go I did it...yeh me!