Blog Award!!

Oh My..what a lovely thing to do. Thank you Chrissie for giving me this award.

I would just like to thank.....oh no hang on a minute...not that kind of award! Please pop over to Chrissie's blog and check out the wonderful cards she makes. She has a very simple and understated style which always results in a very stylish and sophisticated finished card. I always look forward to seeing her next post. 
The terms of the award are that  I should tell three things I like about myself and pass the award on to seven others. Both of these conditions are quite hard for me. I tend to be very critical of myself goes..
1) I like (love) the fact that I have been able to develop a very close relationship with both my children, now teenagers. We don't argue and I am so proud of them both and they know I am there for them matter what.
2) I like that I am able to bring a smile to a loved ones face with a hand made card or gift.
3) I like that I am finally starting to feel better!!

Well that was a struggle:-
Now for the seven blogs I want to give this award to-
1. Spyder - Thanks Lynn for the help you gave me when I first began blogging.
2. Penny- Always follow Penny's blog for her wonderful ideas and free files.
3. Jennybean - For choosing me as one of her design team, and her fantastic files.
4. Ikki- Very informative blog, especially for cuttlebug ideas.
5. Julia - For her WOYWW blog and for welcoming me into the fold.
6. Summer - For her fantasic free digikits.
7.Valita - For brilliant ideas on her blog

Well there you go I did it...yeh me!

What A Relief!!!!!!!!!

My beautiful Jenny has just got her results. She got the grades she needed to get into Southampton Uni...and has had her place confirmed!!!
Wheew....normal life can resume....


Just to let anyone who may have missed me at WOYWW this week know, I haven't deserted you all, just not well enough to join in. Following my recent tummy bug that knocked me for six, I now have pleurisy. I have no idea how or why, but there you are, so once again I am on strict rest.
Hope to be back with you all again soon.